
Safety and responsibility are key words for Polaroil, and this is an area where we never compromise. That’s why safety and responsibility are etched into the minds of our employees, our objects clauses and the day-to-day safety policy at all our facilities.

Safety is paramount, both inside and outside the organization. We operate in a high Arctic region which is particularly vulnerable to oil pollution and which requires special measures for handling liquid fuels. By putting the environment first in our work, we protect both nature and our fish stocks, and thereby also the traditional Greenlandic fishing and hunting culture.

We have built up our expertise over many years, in close collaboration with international suppliers and shipping companies. At Polaroil, we continuously train all our employees to maintain the highest possible safety levels in daily operations and handling, so that you, our customer, can feel safe using our products.

The vessel we use to import fuel to Greenland is rated ice class 1A.

Polaroil’s safety policy seeks to create a healthy and safe workplace. Our goal is to be a company where every single employee feels valued as whole individuals, each with their own strengths and contributions to make to the company.

  • The applicable legislation must always represent the minimum standard for safety for the company, and improvements should be introduced on an ongoing basis.
  • Safety procedures and operating instructions must be followed at all times.
  • Securing a safe workplace is the primary responsibility of senior management.
  • Safety and the working environment are given the same high priority as finances and sales.
  • Safety is a line responsibility.
  • All accidents and incidents must be reported to senior management for further attention.
  • It pays to prevent and avoid accidents and incidents.
  • Safety awareness starts with the CEO.
  • Information on accidents and near-accidents must be issued to the entire organization.
  • All employees must work to improve safety for their own sakes and that of their colleagues.